Fleifel | Vortex Deutsche Circulating Pumps
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Vortex Deutsche Circulating Pumps

Deutsche Vortex was founded on 1.4.1965 to launch a totally new pump principle onto the market. Thanks to the drive system they use – the patented spherical motor – Vortex domestic water pumps offer significant positive features.

Heating Pumps

Pump Specifications:

HZ 401 - DN 25

Max. delivery head 4.30 m
Max. delivery 3.5 m3/h
Max. operating pressure 10 PN
Temperature resistance 110 TF
Min. head pressure at 90 °C 1.5 m
Min. head pressure 1
Pump housing threads 1 ½"

Engine Specifications:

Voltage 1~230 V / 50 Hz
Power consumption (step I, II, III) 35 W / 50 W / 56 W
Capacitor 1.7µF
Volt 450

Pump Specifications:

HZ 401 - DN 32

Max. delivery head 4.30 m
Max. delivery 3.50 m3/h
Max. operating pressure 10 PN
Temperature resistance 110 TF
Min. head pressure at 90 °C 1.5 m
Min. head pressure 1
Pump housing threads 2"

Engine Specifications:

Voltage 1~230 V / 50 Hz
Power consumption (step I, II, III) 35 W / 50 W / 56 W
Capacitor 1.7µF
Volt 450

Pump Specifications:

HZ 601 - DN 32

Max. delivery head 5.40 m
Max. delivery 3.50 m3/h
Max. operating pressure 10 PN
Temperature resistance 110 TF
Min. head pressure at 90 °C 1.5 m
Min. head pressure 1
Pump housing threads 2"

Engine Specifications:

Voltage 1~230 V / 50 Hz
Power consumption (step I, II, III) 36 W / 58 W / 70 W
Capacitor 1.7µF
Volt 400

Pump Specifications:

HZ 701 - DN 32

Max. delivery head 6.10 m
Max. delivery 3.50 m3/h
Max. operating pressure 10 PN
Temperature resistance 110 TF
Min. head pressure at 90 °C 1.5 m
Min. head pressure 1
Pump housing threads 2"

Engine Specifications:

Voltage 1~230 V / 50 Hz
Power consumption (step I, II, III) 37 W / 59 W / 78 W
Capacitor 2µF
Volt 450

Pump Specifications:

HZ 801 - DN 32

Max. delivery head 6.25 m
Max. delivery 12 m3/h
Max. operating pressure 10 PN
Temperature resistance 110 TF
Min. head pressure at 90 °C 1.5 m
Min. head pressure 1
Pump housing threads 2"

Engine Specifications:

Voltage 1~230 V / 50 Hz
Power consumption (step I, II, III) 224 W / 294 W / 271 W
Capacitor: 7µF
Volt 400