Fleifel | Bentone 3 Stage
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Bentone 3 Stage

Oil Burners - Three stage

Bentone B70

Capacity 41,0-139,0 kg/h
Power 486-1649 kW
Available 3-stage

Hydraulic adjustment of the nozzle assembly as standard. Quiet in operation. A soft pulsation free start. Wide adjustment range, high efficiency with constant combustion values. Energy saving.

  • Saves energy and environmentally-friendly
  • Designed for easy regulation and maintenance
  • Reliable and trouble free
  • Designed and approved in accordance with the European standard EN 267.
  • Suitable for High Resistance Boilers
  • Industry standard components easily available
  • 2-Stage or 3-Stage with 3 nozzles
  • Plug-in contact facilitates the installation

For more info, download product manual

Bentone B80

Capacity 50,0-214,0 kg/h
Power 593-2538 kW
Available 3-stage

Hydraulic adjustment of the nozzle assembly is optional. Quiet in operation. A soft pulsation free start. Wide adjustment range and high efficiency ensure lowest possible energy consumption.

  • Saves energy and environmentally-friendly
  • Designed for easy regulation and maintenance
  • Reliable and trouble free
  • Designed and approved in accordance with the European standard EN 267.
  • Suitable for High Resistance Boilers
  • Industry standard components easily available
  • 2-Stage or 3-Stage with 3 nozzles
  • Plug-in contact facilitates the installation

For more info, download product manual